Catastrophic Events occuring at Rigel Lake

Catastrophic Events occuring at Rigel Lake

Disaster near Rigel shows inabilty of military to deal with major threats

Yesterday Afternoon an enormous unknown creature appeared in the middle of the Lake Rigel. As the Nox fleet engaged with a Destroyer Class Warship to tackle the threat, a shockwave shook the surrounding area and caused the Airship to crash.

What is happening in Rigel?

While the origin of the giant creature that appeared in the middle of the lake is unclear, many religious “groups” worship it as the embodiment of their god. The Karonian Highups are yet to release a statement.

From the information gathered we know that the creature was able to destroy a KNA Destroyer Class from a distance without any visual struggle. A loss like that might seriously damage the Militarys reputation while the threat remains to be resolved.

The creature is now striding towards the Tahel pass in the Arkadia Mountains. Its destination is unknown. It is likely to move towards the capital.

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Reporter and Writer based in Rigel

Where political currents and economic whispers intertwine in the game. Ink spills truths amidst the city’s fantastical facade, Guiding readers through the maze of power with a steadfast pen as his rod.

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